Wednesday, August 26, 2009

And They all went down the Road...

And down the road they went to a show at the Ghost Ranch Museum in New Mexico.  Six little rugs.  Never out of state.  Never out where people who I don't already know by some connection or another will see them.  
What makes humans so afraid of criticism?  My Mom was tough on me.  I never could do anything right.  I think that is where my insecurity about things come from.  
I am very competent at many things.  I think the only thing I might right now tell you I thought I excelled at is the bodywork I do.  Certainly not the weaving.  I love the weaving, but I don't excel at it, yet...I am  competent and getting better, but my gosh, do I ever love to do it and see things take form under my fingers.  I wish I could feel the same about all of life, and for the most part I do,but then how would we know those highs when they come along if we didn't have the lows to compare them to?
Weave on...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Colores des New Mexico Revisited

Here is the work in progress now on the loom.  It is from all the wool I gathered on my vacation a few weeks ago in New Mexico.  The colors are turning and blending not quite in the way I had imagined, but I am happy with the outcome so far.  Weave on...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

What I do...

Weave and knit and crochet and dream...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Here We Go Again

Well, here we are.  I have a new blog here.  My old one is Fibertwin, but hopefully this will tie all my fiber efforts together.  New shawl shown here, though I wonder why I am still crocheting shawls in 98 degree weather.  Fiber folk are a bit different aren't they?