Wednesday, August 26, 2009

And They all went down the Road...

And down the road they went to a show at the Ghost Ranch Museum in New Mexico.  Six little rugs.  Never out of state.  Never out where people who I don't already know by some connection or another will see them.  
What makes humans so afraid of criticism?  My Mom was tough on me.  I never could do anything right.  I think that is where my insecurity about things come from.  
I am very competent at many things.  I think the only thing I might right now tell you I thought I excelled at is the bodywork I do.  Certainly not the weaving.  I love the weaving, but I don't excel at it, yet...I am  competent and getting better, but my gosh, do I ever love to do it and see things take form under my fingers.  I wish I could feel the same about all of life, and for the most part I do,but then how would we know those highs when they come along if we didn't have the lows to compare them to?
Weave on...

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