Once upon a time there was a woman who was totally in love with fiber. She knit, she spun, she wove, she crocheted and she dreamt of fiber things, too.I love fiber, color and texture and all things handmade. In addition to weaving the looper rugs I knit wool hats and shawls and continue to follow my tapestry weaving path.
New Work
"Along the Eastern Edge"
This summer past ... saw another visit to Newfoundland, also a favourite
place of mine to see and smell the ocean air, hear t...
Vermont-- here I come!
I've been planning this retreat for about a year and a half. Tomorrow I am
on my way. There is still a large quantity of yarn to be shoved into
suitcases a...
Anyone out there??
After almost a two and a half year silence here on this blog, I woke up
this morning to find a lovely comment from a quilter named Karen on the
posting a...
A Warp Inspired Collaboration
Sara Lamb and I decided to collaborate. We’d each weave a scarf using
re-purposed cashmere yarn that my mother and I un-knitted from over 200
cashmere s...
All Good Dogs Go To Heaven
Barrywhite at 13 years
Barrywhite at 6 months
One of my best friends ever left this earth yesterday after a very full
and wonderful ...
A blog with 3 chapters
Table of contents
Chapter one-This and That,
Chapter two-Small Format tapestry
Chapter three- Getting from A to B
* But,first an announcement of an...
gathering continued...
Please join me on Pinterest and Instagram to continue the fun! Thanks,
Friends! xo, Katie
"To Know You is to Love You" by Katie Runnels 2015
How Brenda Gets Her Groove Back
And I'm not talking about the type of groove that Stella got back with Taye
Diggs! (although that wouldn't be a bad thing)....No... I'm talking about
my ar...
5 Life Tips From The Ever Inspiring Muhammad Ali
Others people love their job and spend many hours working who are not
workaholics. The difference is that a lot of these people make time for
family and at...
Love those bright colors!